Ago 6, 2016

Assistant services

Not all of the taxi company location is accurate also the telephone number is not listed for the privacy of the company. You need to click the name of the taxi for more details.

"if you are losing something in the taxi, it's better to go to the garage or call the company to hold the driver or you can call LTFRB. There is 2 driver in 1 taxi unit for 24/7 duty, and there is 6-10 duty in 1 unit in 1 driver that's the rule mostly for all the company in Cebu taxi ."

" For the applicant, you can go to the garage or you can call the company is still hiring and whats the requirements to apply. My experience as an applicant before I go to the company and ask for what requirements and most of the requirements is bio-data, 1000 peso cash band or you have 1 friend recommendation working to the company"

Taxi Operators in Cebu City
Active Taxi Driver Information 

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